A managed lane project has been planned for many years for the purpose of alleviating traffic congestion within the corridor of SH 288. The Texas Legislature gave the Counties (Brazoria and Harris Counties) the first right to develop the project, called “primacy”. However, if the Counties chose not to develop and waive primacy, the right to develop would go to TxDOT. The Brazoria County Toll Road Authority (BCTRA) was created in 2003 for the purpose of developing the managed lanes project within Brazoria County. Harris County chose to waive its primacy for the 288 project within Harris County and TxDOT developed the Harris County portion of the managed lanes using a public-private partnership with a private entity, Blueridge Transportation Group (BTG). BTG was contracted to design, build, finance, and operate the facility in Harris County for 52 years. Brazoria County chose to develop its portion of the project to ensure that local control remained with the citizens of Brazoria County and its elected officials for the portion of the managed lanes within the limits of Brazoria County. The project gained momentum in 2010 when BCTRA presented several options to develop the project to both TxDOT and Harris County officials. BCTRA started the design phase in 2013 while TxDOT progressed with its selection of a developer. Construction began on the Brazoria County segment in 2017. Coordinating closely with TxDOT and BTG, the managed lanes project was opened in November of 2020. The portion of the managed lanes within Brazoria County was named the BC Expressway and has remained under the management of BCTRA. It is approximately 5 miles long running from the County Line at Clear Creek and extending to the ramps just north of CR 58. BCTRA has begun the process of planning to extend the expressway further south to address continued congestion along SH 288. Stay Tuned.