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Frequently Asked Questions

What is BCTRA?
BCTRA stands for the Brazoria County Toll Road Authority.  It was established in 2003 by Brazoria County Commissioners Court to help plan, construct and operate the managed lanes within Brazoria County.  It is comprised of a five-member board appointed by the Brazoria County Commissioners Court.

What is the BC Expressway?
The BC Expressway is the name of the managed lanes within the median of SH 288 between the Brazoria County Line at Clear Creek and CR 58.  It is currently approximately 5 miles long and ties into the TxDOT (operated by BTG) managed lanes in Harris County within the median of SH 288.  BCTRA only operates the 5 miles within Brazoria County.

Why does the pricing appear so different between the Harris County portion and the Brazoria County portion of the SH 288 managed lanes?
This is not an easy answer as there are many factors why the pricing is different.  

  • The pricing structure is different in general. The TxDOT/BTG managed lanes in Harris County use “Time of Day” pricing. Meaning it increases during peak times when more drivers may be more inclined to use the managed lanes to avoid the congestion.  BCTRA elected to use static pricing on the BC Expressway as that is the pricing structure on the HCTRA system.
  • Two different groups set the toll rates. The BCTRA Board, appointed by local elected officials, sets the toll rates in accordance with the BCTRA Toll Rate Setting Policy within Brazoria County. BTG, a private company, sets the toll rates within Harris County.

Who should I contact if I have an issue? 

  • If the issue is regarding the managed lanes within Brazoria County, contact us at or by phone at 979-864-1265. 
  • If the issue is regarding the managed lanes within Harris County, contact BTG at or by phone at 888-328-8622 or TxDOT at or by phone at 979-864-8500.
  • If the issue is regarding your EZ TAG account, contact HCTRA at or by phone at 281-875-3279.
  • If you received a text message or email from the law firm Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott email or call 888-703-5321.
  • If you need roadside assistance on the managed lanes with Brazoria County, contact Pearland Police Department at 281-997-4100.
  • If you experience an emergency, contact 911.
Paying Tolls

What is an electronic tag?
Electronic tags are an electronic payment method that automatically pays for tolls as you drive on toll roads. Once you sign up for an electronic tag, the tag provider will then send a tag that you mount on your vehicle according to the provided instructions. When you drive on a tolled facility, an electronic reader will read the tag and charge your account for the transaction. 

Where can I get an electronic tag?
The Brazoria County Toll Road Authority is not a tag provider.  We accept several electronic tags on the BC Expressway. See below for a list of electronic tags that we accept. The most commonly used electronic tag in the Houston region is EZ TAG as it is offered locally, both online and at convenient EZ TAG store locations. You can visit each website to learn more and sign up for a tag.

  • EZ TAG, EZ TAG Express or Bancpass from the Harris County Toll Road Authority 
  • TxTag from the Texas Department of Transportation in the Austin area
  • TollTag from the North Texas Tollway Authority in the Dallas area
  • Pikepass from the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority in Oklahoma
  • K-Tag from the Kansas Turnpike Authority in Kansas

What is the difference between an EZ TAG account and an EZ TAG Express account?

  • An EZ TAG account is created online at using a credit card or bank account, and a physical EZ TAG must be purchased and mounted to the vehicle. Multiple vehicles can be added to this type of account. EZ TAG account holders can also use any toll road in Texas, pay less in tolls, and have more flexibility in managing their accounts online. This type of account is recommended for regular toll road users.
  • An EZ TAG Express account is created on the mobile app using a credit card. The account can only be used for one vehicle at a time. Purchasing an actual tag is not required. Users pay the non-tag/cash toll rate, which is typically higher than the tag rate at main lane plazas. EZ TAG Express accounts are recommended for infrequent users.

Where is EZ TAG accepted as a payment option?

  • EZ TAG works on most Texas toll roads with electronic tolling lanes. EZ TAG also works on toll roads in Kansas and Oklahoma.
  • In order for your EZ TAG to be accepted as a payment option, your EZ TAG Account must be mounted on your vehicle at the time of the transaction and your account must be in good financial standing. 

Why did I receive a Toll Violation Invoice?
You may have received a Toll Violation Invoice for one of these reasons: 1) A vehicle registered in your name traveled the tollway without being registered to an EZ TAG account; 2) You have an EZ TAG, but your EZ TAG account balance is insufficient; or 3) You have an EZ TAG, but your vehicle information is incorrect on your account.  Pursuant to the Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 284, the owner or renter of record (not necessarily the driver) of a vehicle that passes through a toll facility is responsible for payment of all tolls. If you feel you received a Toll Violation Invoice in error, please contact us at 281-875-3279.  Failure to pay a toll is against the law. Failure to resolve violations may result in fines, referral to collections, withdrawal of your eligibility to renew your vehicle registration, and other legal measures as defined by Texas law. You can pay your Toll Violation Invoice, and any missed tolls that have not yet been invoiced online.

Why did I receive a text message or email from the law firm Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott?
Your phone number or email is associated with an unpaid Brazoria County Toll Road Authority account. Please call 888-703-5321 or email for assistance. 

Did any Tax Dollars go to the BC Expressway?
The design and construction of the BC Expressway were financed by BCTRA through loans and bonds. As a toll road, BC Expressway generates revenue from tolls to pay the debt service on the loans and bonds and to pay for operation and maintenance of the system. 

Who sets the toll rates on the managed lanes?
BCTRA sets the toll rates at the four toll gantries within Brazoria County, which are currently $1.92 at the north gantries and $1.17 at the south gantries.  TxDOT/BTG sets the toll rates within Harris County.  BCTRA has no control over the toll rates within Harris County.

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